Take a Picture Project Timeline:
         Spring: The invisible painting idea is conceived and tested for feasibility.
         Summer: After learning that this idea will work, we begin researching materials and suppliers.
         Fall: Project put on hold.
         Work on Take a Picture is resumed. Emoticon-inspired imagery is decided upon for the first showing of the project.
         February: Over the course of three days, a show-quality prototype is built.
         March 11: The prototype is displayed for approximately 30 people at the University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario
         Summer: Full-time work on Take a Picture begins. 7 new pieces are created.
         October 2nd: Take a Picture culminates in Scotiabank Nuit Blanche. All 8 images are displayed at Levack Block in Toronto.
         October 22-25th: Four new images are created for version 2 of Take a Picture. This time, the imagery is geometric abstraction.