May 18, 2012

The opening reception will be held on Thursday, June 7th, from 6 to 8pm.
I’m really excited about this show. This is the first time that I’ve had enough of an established body of work that I wasn’t rushing around at the last minute, fighting to crank out enough work to display. For this show, I was able to pick a theme, look at my entire body of work, stand back and pick out a number of pieces that fit that theme. In this case, visual abundance – the density of images we come across in our daily lives from advertisements and videos to photos on social media, was something I was thinking about. I selected paintings that were based on collages of images taken from time-lapse photography sequences, where I was literally choosing one or two images from thousands of possibilities and combining them into digital collages emphasizing speed, abundance, and visual density.
February 22, 2012
I have a strict rule about not advertising shows before the paperwork is signed, because cancelling a show and uninviting people is a terrible feeling that I prefer to avoid. If you are wondering what happened to that February showing of the DRM Boxes that I hinted at earlier, just know that I am wondering the same thing. Don’t know what happened, but it never materialized. The boxes are done though. Expect some cool videos showing off the project to be posted in late March, when things calm down slightly and I have a chance to put some proper videos together.
The show in June is still in the works. I’m not going to lie, this is easily the biggest show of my career to date, I am very excited, and a little nervous, and I am determined to step it up a notch and produce my best work to date, and looking at the fresh work in my studio, I think I am doing just that! I can’t wait to present this to the world. The only downside is that producing work that is 20% better takes 100% longer…
I am composing this update from inside one of Toronto’s top hackerspaces. A laser cutter is running in the background, and I am doing some preliminary tests for something that will be quite a technical departure from my previous work. I’m not sure where this test will lead me (if anywhere) but it is important (and a lot of fun) to always try new things.
January 12, 2012
Happy belated New Year everyone.
Brad and I are putting the finishing touches on the DRM Boxes, since we will be showing them at Open Gallery next month. I’m afraid we are kind of slacking on the organizing and planning aspect of this show, so I don’t have an opening date for you at this time, other than “February”
I have also been offered a very big show in a very cool place, so I’ve been working up a storm in my sketchbooks. I’m not going to be secretive at all about this show, so expect to see a lot of details and behind-the-scenes studio stuff posted within a month’s time.