After the successful opening of my debut show, City Lights, at Moore Gallery in Toronto, I was invited to show work at the 13th Street Winery in St. Catherines, Ontario. Although this show shares the same title as my last show at Moore, and much of the same work was on display, I wanted this show to be more eclectic. I lifted my self-imposed rule of only selecting work based on photos from time lapse sequences, and selected paintings that I thought worked well together visually with the work from the last show.
The only camera I had with me during this opening was the one in my cellphone, so the image quality isn’t up to par. But grainy blurry greenish shots are better than nothing!

Installation shot.

Installation shot.

Installation shot.

Installation shot.

Installation shot.

Installation shot.

These three paintings were intended to be sneak peek at where I was going for my next show, “Concrete and Glass”. But they were the first to sell, and I ended up having to do a lot more work to fill the gallery for my next gallery show.

Another angle of the set of three paintings that were the precursor to “Concrete and Glass”.